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Friday, April 22, 2011

Animal waka Friday

'Poetry has its seed in the human heart and blossoms forth in innumerable leaves of words ... it is poetry which, with only a part of its power, moves heaven and earth, pacifies unseen gods and demons, reconciles men and women and calms the hearts of savage warriors.' 
                                                          -- Ki no Tsurayuki, Preface to the Kokinshû, Ninth Century

So opens the introduction on the 2001 Waka for Japan 2001 website. What follows is a brief description of waka, and a wonderful collection of waka, the first 2001 (!) of which have been posted in historical order.   (You can also do a search by subject matter.)

In celebration of Animal waka Friday, we offer this one for today's contemplation.

It's Waka fest here at The Reiki Digest! Share your waka, articles about waka, or cherry blossom inspired art with us by sending it in an email to waka @


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