What's your story?
A couple of weeks ago, Phillip Racette told us his Reiki Story. Every Reiki practitioner, not to mention Reiki recipient, has a Reiki Story. Would you like to tell us yours? Just email it to editor@thereikidigest.com.
A regular roundup of news about Reiki from around the world
A couple of weeks ago, Phillip Racette told us his Reiki Story. Every Reiki practitioner, not to mention Reiki recipient, has a Reiki Story. Would you like to tell us yours? Just email it to editor@thereikidigest.com.
Welcome, one and all to Carnival of Healing #135. For those just joining us, the Carnival of Healing is a weekly roundup of blogs across the Internet featuring information about healing, healthy living, self empowerment, and spirituality. The Carnival travels continuously through cyberspace, each week setting up on a different host site. The Reiki Digest is privileged to be this week's host. If you're interested in Reiki, we invite you to subscribe free to the world's only weekly publication about Reiki, delivered each week to your inbox.
If you're one of the many who prefers the natural approach to looking your best, you might want to check out Give it a Try - Skincare from the Kitchen Cupboard at Allie's Answers. Yes, my friends, there is yet another handy use for baking soda!
And Organic Makup and Skin Care takes on the same issue in The Healing Life Force of Natural Ingredients.
Stone Mountain Shiatsu in the U.K. offers a roundup post on shiatsu in the media -- reminds us of what we do here weekly at The Reiki Digest.
All About Your Body and Spirit focuses more on the body this week with What is Protein, And Why Do You Need It?
Alex Bo's post is definitely in the body category: Fix Crooked Teeth with Dental Braces.
You might not expect an e-publishing blog to address the subject of germs, but hey, e-publishers get sick, too. The post at OLIN e-Book e-Publishing is titled Big Picture Progressive Exposure The author confesses to being a germ-o-phobe, but there's some mind and spirit in there, too.
The next submission may be just in time: 10 Ways to Boost Your Immunity from LifeJelly.org.
Carnival of Healing founder and organizer Phylameana Iila Desy's contribution isn't just about the body, but it's got the word in its title so we'll put it here even though it addresses all three categories: Eckhart Tolle and the Nightly Body Scan.
buddy don's contributions, one prose, one poetry, are also impossible to categorize, but since he writes about a visit to the neurologist and is in physical pain, we'll include it in the Body section. Oh, and here's the poem inspired by the same experience. Get well soon, buddy don!
And speaking of visits to the doctor, Christina Laun at RNCentral.com gives us 25 Tips to Help Protect Yourself from Medical Errors.
Our first item in the Mind category is from Jessica Jones in Montana, USA, who contributes My Struggle With Living Purposefully from her blog Practical Nourishment. She's been wrestling with her own mind lately, and I believe she'll prevail.
Party time! Or not. Australian motivational speaker Craig Harper offers us The Pity Party: Slow-Dancing with Misery.
Alex Blackwell at The Next 45 Years offers a list that won't take quite that long in 24 Weekly Actions for Creating Lasting Success.
The more I study and practice Reiki, the more fascinating I find the culture from which it came. In recent years I've become a fan of classic samurai movies and the television show Ninja Warrior (Sasuke), books about Japanese history, and of course waka poetry. I aspire to study tea ceremony and flower arranging, not to mention learn more than a few words of Japanese, and naturally when time and resources permit I plan to visit Reiki's birthplace. Two years in a row now, I've heard from fellow practitioners who made the trip to Kyoto and then up Mt. Kurama just in time to catch the cherry trees blossoming, and I confess I am envious.
The Carnival of Healing will be hosted by The Reiki Digest once again on Saturday, April 26, 2008. If you've got a healing-related blog or web site and you've recently posted something you'd like to share with like-minded readers, click here to submit it to the Carnival. Email subscribers of The Reiki Digest will receive this Saturday's Carnival as part of next week's regular edition. Since this publication is about Reiki, we'd love to see the subject well-represented in the Carnival, so we're especially interested in posts about Reiki.
Lilia V. Marquez, Registered Nurse and Reiki Master/Teacher, is the personification of integrative medicine: she provides critical care to patients at one of New York City's busiest hospitals, and she incorporates Reiki into her work and her life. Here's her contribution to our ongoing "What is Reiki? discussion:
Reiki is Spiritually Guided energy. Reiki is a combination of two Japanese characters (kanji) that together mean universal life force energy. Reiki is the name of the energy that is used with the System of Reiki.
Rei: Spiritually Guided, God's Love or Light, sacred. Rei guides the ki, the second Japanese character in the word Reiki and stands for life energy. The energy that is used to give life to God's creation.
Reiki is a healing technique that utilizes deep relaxation to reduce stress, relax the body, and ease the spirit.
Reiki can be combined with other healing modalities.
Thanks, Lilia!
Let the discussion continue. . . .Each week at The Reiki Dojo in New York, we use a waka inspired by those of the Meiji Emperor of Japan to enhance our meditations, so we've decided to share them with you. We'll be publishing the Weekly Waka every Tuesday on our web site. Here's this week's waka, written by Michael Dagley, with an illustration:
A reader has written to ask my advice, and since it's a topic that comes up almost as often as those "free online Reiki training" Google ads, I'm posting the question and my reply here:
Hello, I am writing in regards to an internet site that I came across looking for reiki and would like your opinion on it. This site claims to give all attunements, from level one all the way through master/teacher level, in the span of a single day using distance reiki to do the attunements. If you could take a look at this site and get back to me I would be so grateful because I have not yet begun my reiki training or received any attunements yet, and if this is real, then I think that it would be a great asset to me and others that I will encounter throughout my life. (Name of site omitted to avoid giving them free publicity -- Editor)
Congratulations to the publicists for the soon-to-be-published book Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst. They've employed one of the oldest tricks in marketing: attacking a celebrity in order to draw attention to something that otherwise would have drawn little notice. The old trick worked, as usual, and the book has already made headlines.
Reiki: used for physical, mental and emotional conditions
There is no good evidence that Reiki is effective for any condition
Ever had that cliched nightmare that you're back in school, there's an exam coming up, and you don't even know what the subject is or where the classroom is? Most of us aren't inclined to go back and redo studies we've already completed. But with Reiki, retraining can be a good thing.
It's almost here: The Carnival of Healing, a weekly round-up of personal blog posts on the topics of holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and self empowerment, is returning to The Reiki Digest on April 26. Founded by Reiki practitioner and About.com Holistic Healing Guide Phylameana Iila Desy, the Carnival is very popular and draws a lot of traffic, so if you've got a blog or other web site and you'd like to submit a healing-related post, we invite you to contribute and expand your readership. We'll be broadening our scope beyond the topic of Reiki for the carnival, but we'd like to include plenty of Reiki-related posts from our readers. To submit your post, just send it to editor@thereikidigest.com and include the words "Carnival of Healing" in the subject line.
What’s the best way to learn Reiki?
Reiki Master Scott K. contributes his thoughts to our ongoing conversation:
1. What is Reiki?
2. What is the system (practice) of Reiki?
3. What are the benefits that practitioners and clients receive from the
practice of Reiki?
This week's Reiki Roundup begins on CNN, where Reiki gets a mention in a feature headlined "10 fresh ways to boost your energy now."
Congratulations to this week's Celeb-Reiki, Dr. Mehmet Oz, who'll be graduating from frequent guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show to the host of his own Oprah-produced talk show on health. The news was no surprise, since the celebrity cardiac surgeon had already been proclaimed "America's doctor" by Oprah, who coincidentally recently purchased the Discovery Health Network and is in the process of transforming it into The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Here's hoping that the new show, and new network, will give the doctor a chance to say more about Reiki, which he mentioned awhile back on the Oprah show. We'd like to suggest at least one guest appearance on the new show by Mrs. Oz, who is herself a Reiki Master.
Cue the calliope: The Carnival of Healing, a weekly round-up of personal blog posts on the topics of holistic health, wellness, spirituality, and self empowerment, is returning to The Reiki Digest on April 26. Founded by Reiki practitioner and About.com Holistic Healing Guide Phylameana Iila Desy, the Carnival is very popular and draws a lot of traffic, so if you've got a blog or other web site and you'd like to submit a healing-related post, we invite you to contribute and expand your readership. We'll be broadening our scope beyond the topic of Reiki for the carnival, but we'd like to include plenty of Reiki-related posts from our readers. To submit your post, just send it to editor@thereikidigest.com and include the words "Carnival of Healing" in the subject line.
As you may have noticed, we have some new ads there in the left-hand column of our web site and email edition, and we take this opportunity to thank our advertisers for helping keep The Reiki Digest free to our readers.
I'd like to introduce you to a friend I've never met. She keeps me company when I do my household chores. Her name is Thelma A. Meyer, and she's a real person with a home in Iowa and a camper in Arizona, both of which need cleaning from time to time. Before I discovered Mrs. Meyer's aromatherapeutic cleaning products, I used to dread cleaning because the artificial scents in most conventional cleaning products brought on such severe allergic symptoms that I felt like I was coming down with a cold whenever I used them.
Now there are even more ways to share The Reiki Digest:
Breaking news: due to family emergencies, two students have had to drop out of this weekend's Reiki Level 1 - Shoden class at The Reiki Dojo, so that means there are two spaces available. The next Reiki Intensive Training at The Reiki Dojo won't be until July, so if you're interested in developing a disciplined daily Reiki practice from the start, this is the class for you. And if you'd rather just take Level 1 and see what happens, you can do that, too. Either way, you'll get intensive mentoring and support as you begin your Reiki journey. Click here for details.
Our discussion continues: Several more readers have sent in their answers to the question we asked a few weeks ago: Reiki practitioners, what do you say when people ask you, "What is Reiki?"
From "The Mystic 1":This is a little wordy.
Reiki is consciousness or the lifeforce received through light hand placements which activate the innate healing intelligence of the body; allowing one to experience a deep and peaceful rest.
Reiki is. . . Japanese for Universal Life Force energy. It is both a
spiritual discipline and a natural, holistic healing modality. Reiki is a
powerful energy creating healthy balance and harmony within all levels of
existence. While powerful, it is also known to be a most loving and gentle
energy. It works through a soft, light touch that allows you to feel
relaxed and at peace. Although a spiritual discipline, Reiki is not a
religion nor does it require a belief system to work.
This week's Reiki Roundup begins in Wilton, Connecticut, USA, where nurse Nancy Sokolowski is retiring after a 50-year career. The article about her in the Wilton Villager doesn't mention whether she is also a Reiki practitioner, but it does say she was co-founder of a decade-old breast health center where Reiki is among the modalities available free. That in itself is quite an accomplishment, and her memories of how nursing and medicine have changed over the past half-century are reason enough to recommend the article. Congratulations to Ms. Sokolowski on her life's work, and to the reporter for a nicely done feature.
. . .This might be a good time to join the International Association of Reiki Professionals, because this month's issue of The Reiki Times (available free to members, for a fee to nonmembers) is the best yet. The magazine is only one of the benefits of membership: the IARP, now in its 11th year, offers liability insurance to members in the USA, UK, and Canada, as well as many other resources. If you use Promo Code TRD63 when you join, you'll get $10 off, courtesy of The Reiki Digest. (Disclosure: this publication also receives a small fee for the referral, so we benefit along with our readers.)
Congratulations to this week's Celeb-Reiki: Reiki practitioner Jennifer Brinn of San Francisco, featured in an article about online appointment booking services in The New York Times, along with a photo of herself actually practicing Reiki on a client. As soon as we finish publishing this week's edition of the Digest, we'll check into that booking service. Who would have thought that the way to get an authentic photo of a professional Reiki session into that venerable publication was through a story about something else?
As The Reiki Digest approaches the completion of its second year, we suppose it's a sign of maturity that we have now received a complaint letter: our very first.
I thank the reader for her comments and her good wishes, but it's clear we still have a misunderstanding. It's easy to share The Reiki Digest without violating our license, and now it's even easier. Here's how:Dear Ms. Dagley,
No need to quote the Reiki precepts quoted to me, I know them very well. I was not be “dishonest” or lacking honesty. I was merely sharing. Forgive me for sharing. To merely think that I am being dishonest speaks volumes of where you are at. “your Reiki classes and services (in direct competition with my own Reiki classes and services).” I am not in a competition with anyone and Reiki practitioners should not be “competing” against each other. There are enough people on this earth that competitions is not warranted or necessary. It’s a shame how COMPETITIVE Reiki has become here. Obviously many so called Reiki Masters have not learned or mastered putting EGO aside. I’m just a simple Reiki practitioner who loves Reiki so much I want to share it’s benefits and any positive news about Reiki with everyone. It’s a plain, simple and honest approach. Your material has been removed from my site.
I wish you enlightenment and healing.